Thank you for interest in our Self-hypnosis Tutorial. We appreciate your time and effort to learn a new skill for making change happen in your life.

This 45-minutes course is broken into 6 parts.  You can view them all at once or watch different parts at different times. You can always come back to this course to refresh or enhance the learning.

Video 1. Introduction

Video 2. Definitions of Hypnosis

Video 3. The Mechanics of Self-Hypnosis

Below is the list of  Hypnotic Inductions you can use to design self-hypnosis audios.

Simply read the out loud and record them. After the induction part you can read your positive affirmations.

Progressive Relaxation

(Modified ) Dave Elman Induction

Dr. Flower’s Method

Video 4. How to Design Self-Hypnosis Affirmations

Some guidelines to design affirmations for self-hypnosis.

Ask yourself these questions to generate your suggestions:

  • What do I think about myself when it comes to ( your problem)
  • What do I think about my environment when it comes to ( your problem)

Be as honest as you can be when you answer these questions, even if the answers seem silly, irrational and even embracing. These are the “thought viruses”, you need to detect.

Whatever answers you receive, begin to reframe them into the positive more empowering statements.  These new statements will become your affirmation for self-hypnosis.

One more question you can ask:

  • How do I feel, think and act when I achieve ( your outcome)?

When answering this question you are entering an outcome frame and embody your outcome. Whatever response you receive, use it to design your affirmations.

When designing your affirmations follow these guidelines:

  • State your affirmations in present or present perfect tense
  • State your affirmations in first person and in positives. Avoid negatives like “I don’t” or “I am not.”  It is rare to use affirmations in third person, however some hypnotherapists do it occasionally, in which case negatives could be used, for example “smoking doesn’t fit me anymore.”  To keep it simple and to assure your affirmations are designed correctly, try to use first person only and use positives.


Video 5. Some case studies and examples of hypnosis scripts


Video 6. The means to be used to self-hypnosis custom design

Thank you. Let us know if you have any questions.

Design Your Mind with AlphaMind.

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